One More Step

EVEREST makes it to the Arizona International Film Festival

ONE MORE STEP!Our wonderful Everest--A Graphic Novel Opera has been selected for screening by the longest running film festival in Arizona, the Arizona International Film Festival @azfilmfest! There are So Many GREAT films out there and only so many slots available in these top festivals. Getting through to this step is its own journey. There is a free screening on May 1. Wish us all the luck to pick up a win here. One More Step! Director and Creator Brian Staufenbiel and I will represent O|P at the screening. Congratulations to the intensely talented duo of Joby Talbot and Gene Scheer, Opera Parallele, Dallas Opera, all my colleagues on the production and artistic wings, the producers, Adobe & the National Endowment for the Arts who all helped make this happen. @burdette_kevin @danielrharvey @gene.scheer @in.sta.matt @jobytalbot @kevinginogram @mileslassi @moonstickmagic @murakamidavid @nathangranner @nicolepaiement_op @nz_hads @opera_parallele @thedallasopera @ultimatoy @davidlomelink #amazing #comics #covid #creation #creative #OperaParallele #O|P #DallasOpera #everest #graphicnovel #graphicnovelopera #mounteverest #opera #truestory #Everest #Adventure #Environment #film