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All Eyes on Us

A fun little snippet from Will I. Am

October 5, 2018

Sang at Goldie Hawn's Birthday party a little while back. It was dope. She did an amazing dance number and talked about her mindfulness program. [ 'Love In For Kids' Benefiting The Hawn Foundation's MindUp Program Transforming Children's Lives For Greater Success] 


Let's just say that Goldie is incredibly sharp.


It was a sharp witted evening with Kathy Griffin, Martin Short, or course Kurt and whatever the jerk sports broadcaster is, who insults any team not in a major market for deigning to go all the way.


Brenna Whitaker and David Foster lead the way and I came in as requisite opera singer to pop out a few high D's. 


Will I. Am gave a great little speech after we sang. He pointed to his Macbook Pro and headphones and declared he was no artist, but we live performers were. Then he turned on the jams and we all danced into the night. 


He was just being nice. And it was a really nice evening. I think the button below will play a little snippet of Will's set. Peace!


Tonight is a Boheme preview for West Bay Opera here in Palo Alto. It's quite beautiful here.